The Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association of Western Australia is an independent trust fund with no direct affiliation to any other organisation.
Subject to our review of a properly submitted application, we can provide financial assistance to refrigeration and air conditioning apprentices and trainees in Western Australia for the following.
Rewards and recognition prizes for apprentice and trainee performance
Contributions to post trade (e.g. diploma level) course costs
Purchase of text books or learning materials
Assistance with travel costs or freight of tools for attendance at Worldskills finaL
Assistance with the costs of attending specialised training courses for individuals or the running of such courses for groups
In addition, for funding activities aligned with the objectives of trust, the board of the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association can provide mentoring for apprentices and trainees. The board is comprised of successful Western Australian refrigeration and air conditioning industry identities committed to the industry and many are previous award winners. Contact the secretary to best identify your need.
The Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association is an independent trust fund with no direct affiliation to any other organisation.
The Australian Refrigeration Council (ARC) is the national body that administers the provisions of the regulations under the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act 1989, designed to reduce emissions of environmentally harmful refrigerant gases. A refrigerant Trading Authorisation is required when a business or individual wish to acquire, possess or dispose of refrigerant and anyone wanting to install, service any piece of refrigerant and air conditioning equipment must be a licensed technician under the regulations.
The Air Conditioning & Mechanical Contractors Association (AMCA) is a nationwide trade association serving companies that operate in the commercial/industrial sector of the industry. AMCA has been serving the industry members since 1961. AMCA partner with the Allan Robert Memorial Fund and other groups in running the Western Australian refrigeration and air conditioning industry annual awards night.
The Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating (AIRAH) represents industry professionals who are of fundamental, and increasing importance to the comfort , health and safety of the community. Formed in 1920, AIRAH is recognised by government and industry bodies for its expertise across wide range of issues in the area of engineering services for the built environment.
AIRAH produces a range of very useful technical publications and provides engineering training courses specific to the HVAC industry. AIRAH has a "technician" membership level and is very active in Western Australia with regular site visits and specialist presentations by industry experts. AIRAH also conducts an annual trade night which is essential viewing for industry participants. ​
The Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturers Association of Australia (AREMA) represents the interests of air conditioning and refrigeration equipment manufacturers active in the Australian market. They work with government and industry formulation and regulation to achieve the best outcomes for their members and the wider community.
The Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Building Services Exhibition (ARBS) is a bi-annual event held alternatively in Sydney or Melbourne. The event connects industry professionals, engineers, contractors and technicians with global product and solution providers. Exhibitors display their latest products, systems and service innovations. Speakers provide seminars on cutting edge technologies and best practice. This event is an ideal opportunity for apprentices and trainees to connect and network with industry peers, colleagues, designers, contractors and suppliers. ARBS is also used as the venue for finals of World Skills for refrigeration and air conditioning industry competitors.
South Metropolitan TAFE -
South Metroplotan TAFE is the principal training organisation for refrigeration and air conditioning apprentices and trainees in Western Australia. Offering a full suite of "off the job" apprentice training modules, along with post trade courses, specialised in diploma courses, the TAFE is well equipped to provide all levels of industry training.
World Skills -
Worldskills Australia promotes and builds a skills culture, celebrates excellence and showcases vocational education training, trades and apprenticeships. The organisation achieves this by engaging in research, promoting skills, building careers, focusing on education and skills competitions and leadership programs. The Allan Roberts Memorial Fun is committed to supporting the efforts of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Apprentices from Western Australia to compete in Worldskills competitions.
Deserving First Year Apprentice Best Performing in Pre-Apprentice Studies
CITY COUNTRY 2008 Mark Stringer
1977/78 Ian Wooten Kim Cramer 2009 Emmett Forrester
1979 Gary Napier Michael May 2010 Robert Green
1980 Mark Taranto Ian Thorley 2011 Dein Diver
1981 Braden Short Peter Flakemore 2012 Nathan Liptay
1982 Jim Maddaford Grant Walton 2013 Reece J Young
1983 Raymond Sterret John Evans 2014 Lachlan Pillage
1984 Kurt Jones Alan Richardson 2015 George Rogers
1985 Andrew Eagleton Robert Gavlik 2016 Shane Robert Stone
1986 Vincent Gargano Trevor Walsh
1987 Francis Hodge Paul Ryan
1988 Troy Duncan Gregory Harvey
1989 Evan Perry Ricky Clarke
1990 Jeffrey Hall Mahammad Lana
1991 Dean Willans Michael Schenk
1992 David Christie John Hallinan
1993 Steven Rukavina James Brooking
1994 Graeme Corps Nicholas Lane
1995 Tom Hagan Lathan Lucas
1996 John Burton Dennis Bennett
1997 Shane Garvey Leslie Smith
1998 Mark Mettimano Zane Tills
1999 Matthew Hamilton Wayne Seivwright
2000 Matthew Duncan Aaron Bailey
2001 Peter Jones Craig Surral
2002 Cameron Munrowd Keith yardley
Best Performance in the 1st year apprentice training
2003 Paul Tupling
2004 Richard Reeves Most Deserving student in 2nd year of apprentice training
2005 David Smith 2015 Codie Carroll
2006 Stuart Charles Clayton
2007 Rob Boyce
2008 Maxwell Richards Best performance in diploma studies
2009 Beau Barrett 2004 Darren Chiffings
2010 Cameron Pruden 2005 Pierre Lim-Fat
2011 Daniel Jordan Smith
2012 Michael Dybac
2013 Nathan Giles Best Performance in the Advanced Diploma of Engineering
2008 Seongjin Jeong 2014 Kurt Markwick
2015 Duncan Davis
2016 Gavin Raymond Wardle
Most Deserving student in 2nd year of apprentice training
2014 Clinton Cox
2015 Brian Ellis
2016 Jacob Daniel Eves
Most Improved in the diploma of R&AC
2009 Greg Waters
2010 Tim Hurry
2011 Michael Anthony
2012 Simbarashe Phanu Mawere
2013 Ian Brown
Most Deserving Student in 1st Year Apprentice Training
2003 Matthew Aargren
2004 Ross Boylan
2005 Steven Glasson
2006 Matthew Harvey Arcus
2007 Rowan Stowell
2008 Malcolm King
2013 Zach Davies
2014 Clinton Batten
2015 Lauren Stacey
2016 Hayden Reed Bickler
Get in Touch
The Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association proudly offers financial support for training in airconditioning and refrigeration.
If you would like to apply, contact us.